Clarity & Alignment Bundle

This powerful 3-session package allows you to make big life changes at your own pace.

We know that timely, Soul-based decision-making allows us to change the entire trajectory of our life.

The Clarity & Alignment Bundle is for you if you want help navigating an unexpected event, pivot, or opportunity in their life or business. In just three sessions, we can identify what you need to let go of (stop doing or thinking), clear it out, align with your new frequency, and move forward.

It's also for you if you’re feeling stuck, unsure if your next move, or simply seeking clarity about a decision or experience you’re having.

How, you wonder? My unique blend of Intuitive Coaching, Energy Body Alignment, and Psychic Channeling allow you to get granular - see the big picture and the underlying issues. From this higher frequency space, you can make slow, steady progress or a fast, focused pivot.

Reasons People Seek Me Out

  • Career pivots

  • Burnout and overwhelm

  • Spiritual problem-solving, clarity, and decision-making

  • Sensing a major life transition is coming

  • Checking the accuracy of your own guidance/intuition

  • Learning to embody your unique psychic and energetic gifts

  • Wanting to move forward in an aligned way

  • Spiritual self-discovery

  • Navigating challenging personal and work relationships

Three sessions allow you to move from confusion to clarity, discern what needs to change, come into alignment with your highest good, and take the steps you need to get there.

Package Includes:

3 x 60-minute recorded sessions

Email follow-up between sessions

Choose an investment level based on
Equity Pricing - The Sliding Scale

$449 or $599 or $749

Session credits expire 90 days from the date of purchase.


Can I purchase a single Clarity & Alignment session? 

I prefer to work in three-session bundles because it often takes more than one session to get clear, take action, and settle in to your new reality. 

  • The first session is often perspective-shifting. This can be overwhelming or enlightening. Either way, it takes time for the new way of viewing your situation to settle it.

  • When it does, clarity rises and you begin to sense next steps - which can take some sorting and sifting.

  • Then it’s time to integrate. What’s available to you from this new place (internally or externally)? How are you feeling about your life now? Do you need more support on your journey?

Three sessions allow you to get the support you need, whether 3 weeks in a row, once a month for three months, or at your own pace.

All that being said, I offer single sessions using Equity Pricing - The Sliding Scale at a higher investment than a Bundle.

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