Navigating Change and Uncertainty

I worked with several clients this week and although the specific issues they were working with were different, the general topic was similar.  All of them are in a period of uncertainty, primarily related to their career. They are exploring:

  • How to expand or build a private practice or business,

  • Other jobs within their career path, 

  • Maintaining a business that no longer gives them joy while returning to a side gig that they are building into their main gig because it does bring them joy.

They live in different parts of the world and work in different industries, but they are all struggling with the uncertainty and risk required to make these pivots. Their mind chatter is full of “What if’s?”, “What’s the next step?”, “Can I trust this opportunity?”.

This is not uncommon! Particularly this month when three planets are changing signs and the full and new moons are very intense. Many of us are switching directions or at least considering new opportunities that are popping up.

I’m in the midst of it, too. After three years of intense focus on my practice, a part-time gig popped up that is aligned with my values and work style. If we  move forward, I’d be a metaphysical practitioner offering intuitive readings and classes to guests and receiving a healthy paycheck. I’d continue with my own practice part-time. WTF??!! has crossed my mind several times. Where did this come from??

Facing the Fear. Managing Anxiety

Navigating uncertainty while creating a life we adore and will support us financially is inherently risky and triggers all kinds of fears:

  • Fear of financial insecurity.

  • Fear of being homeless.

  • Fear of making this change and realizing you don’t like the pivot you made.

  • Fear of not belonging in the new space.

  • Fear of being bored.

  • Fear of failing.

The key to successfully navigating these transitions is managing our  fear and anxiety. You know, that incessant mind chatter that is trying to work out the new schedule and financial issues, second-guessing the pivot, not trusting the opportunity will come through, etc. 

5-Step Process for Managing Fear and Anxiety in Uncertain Times:

  1. Breathe – Take three deep breaths in through the nose and out through the mouth, all the way down to your belly. Just this helps calm the nervous system so you can return to the present moment.

  2. Bring your focus into your heart, sit quietly there for 5 minutes. Watch the mind whirl and bring your focus again and again to your heart, the love and wisdom inside of you.

  3. Ask your inner guidance, that still small voice “What is the next indicated thing?” or “What shall I do next?”

  4. Do that one thing, then put your attention on things you love and want to explore. If something else arises from this calm space, do that. Follow the breadcrumbs. If it starts to feel frenetic, it’s not guidance, so go back to step 1.

  5. Let go of the outcome. Let go of  how it will turn out – both the “big thing” and the little actions along the way. Follow the breadcrumbs in the present moment

Remember, navigating uncertainty and anxiety is all about:

  • Staying in the moment, in the flow of life, and enjoying being there. When you find yourself thinking, thinking, thinking; planning, planning, planning; and having conversations with others in your head – go back to step 1.

  • Actively letting go of any ego demands to prepare, be ready, be ahead of it. When we follow the guidance we receive in the moment, we get where our soul is guiding us, whether or not we know where that actually is, with more ease, peace, and joy.

  • Releasing constriction and allowing spaciousness for Spirit/Universe to work! This often means relaxing and opening when our habit is to contract and control. It’s counter-intuitive, but it works!

Thanks for reading!

Mary Alvizures

Designing soul aligned brands and websites that make you $$$. Intuitive branding + web design for Spiritual Entrepreneurs, Intuitives, Life Coaches, Energy Healers, Holistic, Conscious and Wellness Businesses. Are you ready to share your magic with the world?

Entrepreneurship As A Spiritual Practice


Things Are Shifting…